About Me
Hi, I’m Rachel,
I love warm fires, making up fantastical stories, and going on adventures from the safety of my sofa. Basically, I’m a home-loving hobbit—minus the need for a second breakfast… most of the time.
Like Bilbo, I was dragged out of my comfort zone to slay a dragon. Mine, however, is named Impossible, and I’d like to find my traveling buddies.
Will you join me?

What’s with the Flying Pig?
That flying pig (aka Pigasus) represents me, and not because of the state of my house or the pudge about my middle.
Perhaps it’s you, too.
People make the declaration “when pigs fly” in response to things they deem far-fetched. But are they REALLY impossible?
Space travel, handheld computers, meatless bacon. All of these were impossible, once upon a time. That last one, probably, still should be.
What’s the one thing you long to accomplish in your life, but you believe is impossible? For me, it’s writing and publishing a YA Fantasy novel. I’ve held back because I’m pretty average, like the lowly pig.
Being common is a good start, though. Just about every Young Adult novel begins with a seemingly ordinary character, taking on an extraordinary task. Like them, I’m ready to do the impossible. Try my wings. Write that book.
Are you with me, friend? Doing impossible things is difficult, all alone. Ask Frodo and Sam or Harry, Ron, and Hermione. They’d all tell you. Even in fiction, no one accomplishes the impossible, without a team.
I’d love to keep you updated on the status of my book, and on what I learn along the way. Hopefully, this will encourage you on your own journey. It’s time for us Pigasi to fly. You can DO THE IMPOSSIBLE.
Words Written
Sea serpent slain
Current projects
Cups of Coffee Consumed
Personal Book Recommendations
Here’s my personal short list of the best YA speculative fiction I’ve read.
- The Chronicles of Narnia Series by C.S. Lewis
- The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins
- The Hobbit by J.R. Tolkien
- Divergent by Veronica Roth
- Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles) by Marissa Meyer
- The Giver Series by Lois Lowry
- Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
- Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
- Holes by Louis Sachar